Our Advice Blog


10 Things I
Learnt in

#guestbloggerphoebe, #school

  • 1
    Be independent. I didn't even know how to get around school until about a year after being there because I relied so much on other people. Work out where your lessons are and the quickest way of getting there.
  • 2
    It’s better to be complimented on your personality than your physical appearance and you're more than the amount of people who find you attractive.
  • 3
    If someone doesn't text you back don’t panic they may be busy and have a good reason for delaying their response.
  • 4
    Missing a party or not being invited isn't the be all and end all, and things are always happening so do your best to be part of it and make memories. Even if those memories are just going to the park with your two best friends on a summer’s day or being wrapped up in blankets watching a film in the winter. Don't waste your time feeling sorry for yourself, go out and make things happen, else you'll regret it.
  • 5
    Ask for help. Don't work yourself up about not understanding something in a lesson, if you don't understand it someone else probably won't either. Ask your parents, friends or teachers for help or advice if you feel you have a problem, and remember you're not alone.
  • 6
    Change will happen and people will drift in and out of your friendship group, that’s only natural so please don't let it bother you.
  • 7
    Take photos and lots of them!
    Group Of Friends
  • 8
    In a few years’ time most of your problems in secondary school will be so insignificant you probably won't even remember them yourself. So with that in mind, before you get worked up over something or someone else's opinion, ask yourself, "does this really matter?" and I guarantee you 99% of the time it won't.
  • 9
    YOU ARE LITERALLY NEVER GOING TO SEE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE AGAIN IF YOU DONT WANT TO and I promise you won't remember the names of someone who made you cry or people that ditched you or call you names behind your back. So move on and try not to bear grudges.
  • 10
    It all ends, eventually. I've finished now and although you couldn't pay me to spend another year at school, part of me still doesn't want to move on because the last five years have been some of the best years of my life and I've met some amazing people and made some great memories.

These are just some of the things I've learnt during my time in secondary school which I wish someone had told me when I started.



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I'm starting secondary school in September and I'm so excited!!


I love taking photos! Just to capture those special moments with my best friends!


secondary school is way better than primary. trust me its not as scary as it seems. i was so nervous that people would judge me. but i was so wrong. i have found some amazing friends and i would never go back to primary.

Abbie ;)

The photos one is sooo true. Make the most of your time and the photos will help you remember the fun times

To Sara

Same! I just scroll straight to the comments too!!!


I always scroll down to see the comments, it just feels so good to know that I am not alone!! ❤️❤️


Thanks Phoebe! Only problem now is that school is virtual.


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