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ANSWERED questions


4/16/2024 9:08:18 PM

Hi Vicki I sleep with underwear on as I have heavy discharge and it is quite random but recently I have noticed red lines dry itchy skin and marks where my underwear sits. Its quite painful and makes it hard to shave, stretch my legs a lot and stuff . Any advice?

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4/16/2024 8:02:36 PM

Hi! Um my pubic hair is getting quite long and bushy but I dont really want to shave down there like I do on my legs. Is it ok to cut it with scissors? And does hair down there stop growing when youre not in puberty anymore? Thanks E xxx

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Hi, I highly recommend trimming back pubic hair rather than total removal if it's getting unruly. My tip is to use a wide toothed comb and lay it flat against the pubic area, then with rounded tipped scissors trim any hairs that poke out through the comb. 

Pubic hair, just like any hair on the body does continue to grow, but just like hair everywhere else it will have a life cycle and shed old hair to make way for new. So don't worry it will never grow as long as hair on the head.


4/16/2024 4:38:30 PM

Idk why but Im really uncomfortable around boys, more so boys that I dont know than boys that are in my class. I lesbian btw. Ps how to I get to know my crush better, like talk to her more and stuff

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4/16/2024 7:32:47 AM

Top measurement is 74cm around. Middle is 72cm and bottom is 65cm around. Can you tell me my size pls?

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4/15/2024 9:10:18 PM

This is a really embarrassing question as I shower or have a bath on a daily basis in terms of keeping "down there" clean. But when we have the radiator on in the evening sometimes that can make me sweat which I thought might be what is causing this but basically for the past few days my "down there" area has been very sore, tender and the area looked really red when I went to the toilet earlier. I've read this can be a sign of a UTI or yeast infection however at the moment my discharge is a pale/clear/its normal colour and at the moment I can urinate without it causing a burning sensation etc. if I'm honest I haven't nesescarily been doing the right things to try and ease the soreness as for the past couple of days I have a lot of anxiety around going to the GP or any medical based environment and I'm not really sure how best to proceed with this thing. Thanks

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4/15/2024 6:57:46 PM

I think i have misophonia because when my mum sneezes or blows her nose i get really annoyed and tearful

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4/15/2024 6:51:04 PM

hiya vicki do you know how many questions the same person has sent

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4/15/2024 5:02:47 PM

Why do I randomly get period cramps on like the 4/5 day (last day) of my period. I get cramps on the first day or two which is normal then they go away. And then on the last day I randomly get painful cramps for like an hour or so and then it goes away and my period is basically over. Its really weird and it happens every time. Is that normal and if so why does it happen. Thanks x

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This is just the muscle surrounding the uterus contracting to release the last few bits of your uterine lining. By keeping active you can reduce any discomfort.

Period pains (


4/15/2024 4:55:06 PM

sometimes my teacher will not let me go to the toilet in class when im on my period but the problem is its always really heavy. what do i do? x

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Hi, try changing your pad before going into class and switching up to a long or night pad on your heavier days, this will ensure you do not have to miss any of your lesson and that your pad will keep you protected from leaks until your natural breaktime.


4/15/2024 4:52:21 PM

why do some boys always say girls are over dramatic and moody when they are on their period

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