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Why do we need the HPV inoculation?

#askvicki , #HPV

What is HPV

HPV or the human papillomavirus to give it its full title is not a new virus and has been around for a long time. It is a sexually transmitted virus that affects both males and females and those at a higher risk are the ones who have had sex at an early age or who have had lots of sexual partners. It is passed through contact with the genitals of people already infected and from skin to skin contact too.

How would you know you have the virus?

For most people the virus is just like ‘flu’ and will go away on its own without causing any health problems. The worrying thing about HPV is that lots of people do not know they have contracted it and can carry it with them for a great many years without any symptoms at all … infecting others as they go.

Why should I have this vaccination if I have not had sex yet?

There are thought to be over 3,000 women every year in the UK who contract cervical cancer, a disease that affects women only as the cervix is part of the female reproductive system and although most girls don't start having sex until they are 16 or older it is important that they get this vaccination early, which will protect them in the future.

Why is it given in school and not at my doctors?

To ensure girls are protected from contracting cervical cancer, the HPV vaccine is offered to all 12-13 year old girls, usually in Year 8, and what better place to inoculate as many girls as possible than in schools where large numbers of girls congregate.

Will it be painful?

The HPV vaccine will be given as an injection into the muscle of your upper arm or thigh and is done in two or three doses, depending on where you live in the country and you need all of them to be protected against the virus.

The injection itself may sting just a little bit but this will only be for a few seconds with some girls noticing a little redness, bruising, swelling or irritation at the site of the injection for a few days afterwards which is quite normal. Remember the HPV inoculation initiative is going to help lessen your risk of contracting cervical cancer in the future and I am sure you will agree worth a little bit of discomfort to keep you safe.

If you have any concerns about this vaccination then have a chat to your parents or school nurse and they will try to alleviate any of your concerns; because generally the more we know about something the less frightened we are of it.

So you see the HPV injection is no different from the ones you had when you were a baby and are there to keep you safe and free from life threatening illnesses.


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Ok so mine did hurt a bit I'm not gonna lie but you've just got to be confident as it could save your life in the long run. Imagine you do it today and get five minutes discomfort compared to in the future with your life at risk


Wait a minute, how many do we have? I have had 2 so far but some other people on here have had 3. I'm stressed out!!! Do I really have to go through the anxiety of that again??!!

Strawberry 3

I'm in yr 10 and I have my second round tomorrow. I am a lot more nervous this time round but I dk why as last time they were not that bad. For any nervous people you are probably worrying too much like me. The nerves are the worst part the actual thing is not that scary, like a hard pinch. Hope you all have a great day - Strawberry 3 xx

Kitty dog

Agh! I am soon worried about this!


Hi I had mine about a few weeks ago and TRUST ME ITS NOT THAT BAD!!!! So we had ours done in our school library and when you go in you just tell them your name and then you sit down. (At my school the bookselfs were arrange so we had like almost two different rooms one we they actually did it and the other for waiting ,there was like a bunch of chairs) anyway when you get called up you basically sit on a seat next to the person that is doing it and they ask you a bunch of questions and then they tell you to look away and it feels like a someone with sharp nails just scratched you!!! Its not even that bad and you can sort of feel it but seriously it's not that bad....please dont be worried. Hope this helps xxx


Honestly, I had mine a couple weeks ago and it barely hurt. They tell you to look away and they distract you bag asking you about something (like chocolate). At my school we got to have a fudge bar after. It’s no bad bad as everyone makes out


Had mine last week, it does not hurt, everyone else is so over dramatic.


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