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#askvicki , #loveyourself

Don’t confuse loving who you are with being arrogant or a show off. There is a bit difference between being kind to yourself and ‘bigging’ yourself up in front of others.

Stop Being Mean To Yourself! Worthless, ugly, stupid… if these are some of the words you use to describe yourself or even how you think, then you are setting your day up to be a disaster, creating misery all around you and quite frankly it must be exhausting being so down on life all the time.

Of course you’re not perfect…none of us are, but you don’t have to be perfect to be happy. So stop putting pressure on yourself and most importantly stop being your own worst critic. Learn to focus on what you do have and appreciate what is good about your life.

Easier said than done some would say, so here are some examples:

  • If you have a pet, picture how much they love you, want to spend time with you and always have a warm welcome for you when you get home.
  • How great is it to walk to school with friends, even if you are the quieter member of your group, it’s still great to be part of something so special.
  • How cool is it when all of your family get together and eat a meal.
  • How fabulous is your hair, your smile, your eyes, your hands.

Don’t be a Scaredy Cat! If you’re someone who can take the smallest of thoughts or situations and turn them into a huge monster of a problem going over them time and time again, then take a few moments to think of something you really like. Keep a small photo album of happy times in your life, have a list of tunes that make you feel happy, keep a copy of a favourite and funny film in your room. Go for a walk in the sun, or even in the rain, take your wellies and jump in puddles. Keeping busy and taking your mind off the problem will quickly break these habits of negative thinking.

Take care of the skin you’re in! There is a clear link between a healthy attitude and a healthy body. So ditch the junk food, eat well and do something every day that makes you a little out of breath.


Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all? It should be you! So get into the habit of looking in the mirror every morning, say “I love you and I’m going to prove it to you today”. Sounds silly I know, but by saying the words you are already making a conscious promise to have a good day. Have a little conversation with yourself, ensuring only positive feedback is given.

You say... “Think, I’ll put my hair up today.”

You reply with... ”You should it’s a really nice look on you.”

If something happens during the day that leaves you in a negative groove, go to the loo, look in the mirror and say to yourself; “Oh well, I still love you, let’s move on, enjoy what’s left of the day.”


Love, love me do! Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, and remember until you learn to love yourself you probably won’t be able to love someone else. Being kind to oneself and offering praise and positive thoughts are a great way to teach yourself to give love and accept love from others.

See Also


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to love your self

thats really good that u r now happy! i am so pleased 4 u! from shark lover (the shark thats allways here for you)

Love Yourself!

I used to hate myself and started to have suicidal thoughts. Now I love myself and my only regret is not loving myself sooner! Love yourself, you are so worth it!


I used to be confident now I am always quiet. I feel feel like a slave as I always try to make others happy but even when I succeed people still stay away from me. I try everything to make others feel loved but they always throw it back in my face.

Lily#blogger teen

36th comment yay!!!!

Grackle the bird

I love u I LOVE U now repeat after me: I love me I love me

Girl life

You will shine like a star even if your covered in spots, chest is bulging or not, and even if you feel small, you tower over everyone. Remember this because everyone loves you.


This is helping a lot, cause I am really self conscious about this one tiny thing. When I smile in pictures underneath one of my eyes kinda crinkles up and I feel so so so self conscious about it.


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