Our Advice Blog

Tell us your first bra story


Buying your first bra is sometimes tricky. Not only do we feel awkward and nervous when talking about it with our parents, but then we have to choose a size and style from the huge variety available. A girl’s first bra is important, so you want to make sure you have all the facts. For tips and advice on fittings, breast development, talking about your first bra, and everything else; check out our real-life, first bra stories from teenage girls like you below.


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I??oil and gas

My first bra was a small purple bra that can barely fit me now. I remember my moms friend had some extra clothes that were to small for her daughter, so my purple bra was technically a second hand🙃. When I first tried it on it felt like a to short crop top. I wore it a lot and it eventually felt like an undershirt. : )


Well growing up I started noticing my developing boobs so I told her I needed a bra luckily she agreed I remember that day she bought me a pink bra and a black bra with different styles at first when I wore them I felt so uncomfortable but after a while I got used to it.😁


When I got my first bra I was 12 y/o. It was really embarrassing getting my first bra because my mam was really loud and the worker was really loud too and they were saying " this size might fit her ya a 18D" ANYWAYS! I walked out of the shop feeling uncomfortable as I was walking around with a bra that was a completely different size to what I should be! My mam thought it didn't look right either so she booked an appointment with a professional "Bra Worker" and turns out I was 4 sizes smaller😬😑

Lily#blogger teen!

Hey guys, Wow it has been a while since I have been on this site. It has been about two years I think. I don't know. But I just turned 17 years old a few weeks ago and I feel so exited about that because only a year until I turn 18! And I just graduated high-school so then after that I will be going into college, therefore..i'm not so sure I will be able to be on here while I attend college. I assume that I shall have a lot of things to get done. I am planning on being a journalist,veterinarian or photographer ect. I hope that everybody is doing well, I am posting here because this is uslly thos section where I first came for bra advice. Since I am a little bit more experienced now,if any of you feel shy about asking for any puberty advice, ask Vicki. Or me. :) I love you all so much and really hope this site is still what it was when I was one here years ago. I love Vicki like a family member and am overjoyed to see that she is still here! It literally warms my heart to be coming back to this community, funny story how I remembered about this place actually. I am currently sick and in the hospital. I don't want to discuss my illness right now but hopefully I will be better soon. I was scrolling on my phone and thought..god I havn't been on becomingateen.uk in years. Are any of my good friends or besties still on here? Is Vera still active? Anyway I luv ya'll sooooooo much and you guys are a hugeeeeeeeeeee part of my life. 💗🍭 Stay safe x333333 -Lily


Hey Panda360! I just read your post! Congratulations! How did it go? I cant wait to read your story!!!


So my first bra story… I was ten and flat (tiny breast buds) my mum said I should get some crop top bras to wear with long sleeve tops and stuff so I got a pink,black and brown girls crop top bra from Calvin cline Than when I was eleven I had proper breast buds and my mum got me this pink dress but I could not wear my “bras” with it because they were too big I was so embarrassed because you could see my breast buds though the dress so my mum got me more proper bras but with no padding or even a clip up back So then now I am twelve and I actually have boobs. So I got this tube top but I obviously couldn’t wear my little bras with it so my mum got me padded 30 a bras with removable straps so I can wear them with everything!! I am sooo happy! BTW to y’all who want a proper bra but are to scared to ask, my mum saw me in the top and said “are u ok” and I said yeah but she could tell that I wasn’t she said do you want to get a bra to wear with it and I was like yeah!!!


Hi guys, i am getting my first bra today and i am as nervous as ever! I don't want the person fitting my bra in m and s to see my boobs. I'll update you all later


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