Our Advice Blog

First Period Stories:
Tell Us Yours


We’d love to hear all about your first period stories to help other girls who have started or are just about to start their period. Tell us your story today in the comments section below.

Whether you are the first or the last one in your friendship group to start their period, there will be another girl who has been in the same situation as you. Share your period story today and provide others with an understanding of how you came to terms with your first period.

This is vicky’s story

I was the last of my friendship group to get my period. I was 14, woke-up and went to the loo one morning, only to find my first period had arrived. Luckily my nan left me some pads in my room and I had learned all I needed to know about periods from my friends. It did take me a while to get used to wearing a pad as they felt so bulky. I thought everyone would see it through my clothes, or if a boy pinched my bottom he would feel it. So I quickly moved on to tampons.


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It's nice to know that I am not the only one that has to go through this☺️😊

Just a girl

I am looking at purchasing a menstrual cup for the summer. Does anyone have any tips


I just woke up one day and when I got up I saw blood on my blanket and when I went to the bathroom is when I realized I got my period. After that I just stole some of my mom's pads and put one on and stuffed some in my school bag (even though it's summer vacation now) I'll tell my mom tomorrow (I just got it today lol)


WHO wants a period story from me??


So I have not had my period yet but one of my friends have and my friend group, anyways I have been really emotional lately and my mom keeps saying your gonna get it soon but do you have any tips?


So, I was in the bathroom like 5 minutes before I was meant to be going to the cinema with my friends and I noticed blood in my underwear, I ran upstairs to find a pad and all was fine! I told my mam the next morning and she was like YAY!! And gave me a packet of pads for my bathroom.


Haha, this is a halarious story. I started in March, and I was on a call with my Ex/Friend (he forgot we were together, so don't worry no hard feelings), and I thought I had peed myself after I sneezed. Turns out, I had started my period. I went back to my friend, tears streaming down my face saying, "Sorry, I'll call you back tomorrow. Maybe." And ended the call. I told my mum immediately, and, we got some sanitary towls (they weren't Lil-lets ones) out of my bathroom draw. They were rubbish, and I hated them, so we got out my "Cheeky Period Pack" and used the stuff in there. Usually, they come with knickers and a reusable sanitary towel that you just throw in the wash, but they were too small for me. So, I was without towels and without knickers, and utterly hopeless. so, in the end, I just made do with the towels in the draw 🤣 but the Lil-lets towels have been a game changer for me, and I'd really recommend it.


If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.


If Vicki can help you, she'll post an answer in the ‘Your questions answered’ page, so don't forget to keep checking it
(and the best thing is nobody will ever know it was you that asked!)