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Top Dating Tips

#askvicki , #dates, #firstlove

Dating sounds quite grown-up and you may be wondering what is expected of you. Do you hold hands on the first date? And do you hug or even kiss at the end of your date? The best advice is to take things slow, after all the most important part of the word ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ is ‘friend’ and that’s what you should be aiming to be before you become intimate with someone. When the time is right for kissing, you will know what to do naturally without it having to be pre-planned.

After spending weeks if not months plucking up the courage to ask that special someone out, you’re then left with the problem….what to do on your first date. Here are some ideas that might help:

  • The Aquarium - this will give you lots to talk about as you walk around
  • Bowling – excellent if you are not quite ready to be alone with your date
  • Crazy golf – fun and competitive
  • See a local band – great if you share the same taste in music
  • Be tourists – why not see what events are coming up in your home town
  • Ice-skating – a great way to get close as you hang on to each other to avoid tumbling over

Let your parents know you’re dating. Ok so they may tease you or raise an eyebrow but they have a responsibility to look after your well-being and need to know where you are and who you’re with. Why not ask if you can invite your date round one evening for dinner so they can get to know them a little better. Don’t be too upset if they insist on an ‘open door’ policy if you and your date go to your bedroom! Agree curfews too so there is no confusion as to what time you should be home.

Never be blackmailed or persuaded to do something you are not comfortable to do - even if your date uses the lines: “if you loved me, you would” or “if you don’t do this, I will break-up with you”. 

Tempting as it may be, your friends do not have to know all of the details of your relationship.

Make time to be with your friends when you’re dating someone. It’s totally understandable that you want to be with your date as much as you can but friends need attention too and in most cases will be around for many years.

Finally, don’t be too upset if you find after a while you and your date no longer share the same interests or even argue. Splitting up can happen to anyone and if it does, be the bigger person and accept it and move on with a view to remaining friends.


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to advice needed from shark lover.

to advice needed; i must say that u need 2 make a desition. i know what u mean about the boy who's a family friend. i know/have a crush on a boy like that and if he asked me out then that would be AMAZING, but this other boy sounds nice to ! i am sorry but its all up 2 u. maby tell the first boy about this and see what he thinks.

I really need some advice

So I am dating this boy and he is really nice and funny but I don't feel like our relationship is working out and I don't really have feelings for him anymore. I tried texting him about breaking up but he didn't get it and I am scared about doing it in person because he is probably going to cry and I would feel so bad and wouldn't know what to do 😰

Advice Needed

Hii! Please can someone give me some advice! I'm stuck in a love triangle. One of them is a family friend and I've known him forever and I've always had a crush on him when I was younger. He is really kind and caring and I feel happy when i'm with him. Another is this boy who I dated last summer. We had such good chemistry then started dating and there were sparks flying between us, being with him I felt so alive. We broke up because I had a lot to deal with that summer and his family owns the beach house next to ours where we go on holiday every summer with our family friends and we didn't want to do the whole long-distance thing till next summer so we left it on a good note. Now, we are going back again this summer and it's a very long story but in the short version - The first boy (the family friend) kissed me and told me he likes me and last month the boy I dated last summer texted me saying he missed me and he couldn't stop thinking about me!! Ahhhh!!!! Now, I have no idea what to do. What would any of you guys do? Everyone here has such great advice so any advice would be gretly appreciated! Thank you so much.


I don’t know if I want tell my parents I have a gf yet, me and her are just resting it out for now but idk how/when to tell my parents. Any advice?


great advice

So amazing

I have had a crush for a long time and I haven't told them but somehow they know.I also have a frenimy( a friend and eminy ) A she loves to make me do things that I don't want to do I am a bit young for dating as I am 10years old but all my real friends do it and there in my class year 6, even my year five Freinds don't make me do things I don't want to do.


these tips helped me a lot thankyou!! <3


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