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Top Revision

#molly , #revision , #school

You may be finding that your summer SATs, GCSEs, A Levels or just end of year tests are coming up quick and you don’t have a clue where to start revising so here’s a few tips to help you:

    Know what could come up
  • Ask your teacher for a list of topics you have done in class that are likely to pop up in your test. This will help you revise and you can use it as a tick off sheet for your revision.
  • If you don’t understand, ask
  • It’s easy to memorise facts but you won’t be able to apply your knowledge to questions if you don’t know what the facts mean or where they are needed. So make sure you understand the information, not just remember it when you’re revising and if you’re having any trouble, ask for help from your teacher, friends or family.
  • Make your notes clear
  • Messy notes are the hardest to revise from so sort yourself out; buy folders, notecards, dividers, highlighters and organise! Once you’ve done this you will find it so much easier to revise, a tidy desk is a tidy mind as they say.
  • Revise from your notes
  • If you solidly revise from a text book or internet you may revise topics that aren’t relevant so your notes from class are the best thing to revise from. As you have done your notes in class, you know the important things to revise. Ask your teacher for any relevant websites or textbooks that will help you to build on your revision without.
  • Stick revision notes around your house
  • Drive your parents crazy and stick notes of revision on the fridge, on the door, anywhere you can think of that will help you learn as you walk past them.
  • Get your friends or family to help you
  • Ask a friend or a family member to ask you questions from your notes to help test your memory.
  • Think about the type of questions you’ll get in your exams
  • Understanding the different types of questions are one of the most important things in exams. If you don’t understand what type of questions could come up, you may get confused. Certain questions require certain things, such as maths questions with a number of marks will require bits of information for all of the marks. Ask your teachers what is expected for each type of question and this will help you revise for your exams.

We hope your summer exams go well and good luck revising!

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Strawberry 3

Arrgh! I hate revising but this really helped. Thanks, Vicki


Wow thanks really helpful


This website is my favourite thank you!


This was some help it would be great if you could link to a revision timetable template pizzazz


ABZ same :( :(


We`re asked to revise all the time now I`m in year 7, It`s so boring:(:(

: )

Thanks for the great advice Vicky, and good luck to everyone else who is revising for their summer exams like I am!! Hope they go well!! 😉 :D


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