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ANSWERED questions


10/21/2024 9:37:10 AM

Hi Vicki I need some advice. Im 18 and in my last year of school. I have been talking to this guy for around 2 and a half months, but Ive known him vaguely through a friend for a little longer than that. Were texting every day, morning and night, we go on dates, have decided to become exclusive, Ive met his parents and hes met mine and overall were just getting really close. The problem is that next year in February we are going to have to go our separate ways because were going to different universities. Weve had chats before about how we dont want a relationship because of this, and this was true for me for a while, but its getting to the point where it feels like were dating, just without the label. I dont know what I should do. If I want to protect myself and my heart I should probably cut it off now before I get too attached but I just cant. I like him so much and Ive never had a connection like this with a guy. I just have so much fun with him and I dont want it to end before it has to. But I just know its going to suck when we have to end it in a few months time. I dont know what to do. Do I suggest being in a relationship for these next few months to him, or just keep being exclusive so its basically dating without the label?? I dont know but I feel like next year being able to actually break up and feel it as the end of a relationship would hurt less than this unlabelled situation just ending. Im also a virgin and hes not so I dont want to have sex with him because thatll get me attached but I do really want to do it because I like him a lot but I know Ill regret it. I dont know :(

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10/21/2024 8:08:32 AM

If my period came today would it be gone by Saturday as I am going to a party and don't want it when I am there, btw today is Monday morning thx vicki

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Hi, it would be most likely that your period will have ended by Saturday, if it is still here it will be very light and you could probably use a liner instead of a pad. If you are worried about your pad being seen at the party, consider our range of teens pads, shorter and narrower than other brands but just as absorbent.


10/21/2024 8:07:55 AM

If a boy likes you how do you know? I like this boy but sometimes he is so mean and rude to me, but then other time when we are on our own hes so sweet. I am totally confused !!! tips plz

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Hi, this is typical boy behaviour and isn't it frustrating. Chances are he does like you but is not yet ready to share this news with his, or your friends. So when they are around he tries to bluff it and make them think you are just a friend. 

If this is making you feel unhappy then next time you are alone, you can have a quick word and say "I just don't understand you, one minute your nice and the next mean", hopefully he will confess and share with you how he feels and in future be less of a tease when around his friends.


10/21/2024 8:07:07 AM

I am going on a school trip for half term and I am really worried that my period will come as I never know when it will. What can I do, we are on a coach for 7 hours and only one little toilet?

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Hi, this is a worry for many girls on school trips this half term. My advice is to wear a pant liner for the journey so if your period does arrive, your underwear will be protected until you can use the toilet. Remember too that the coach will stop for bathroom and refreshment breaks throughout the trip so you can use the toilets here instead of the coach one, if you prefer.


10/21/2024 8:06:19 AM

Hi Vicki, what should I look out for so I will know that my period is really here?

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Unfortunately, periods have a habit of turning up when we least expect them for the first few years. Some people feel a little breast tenderness just before a period, or spot breakouts, even a change to their mood. However, as these are also signs of puberty it may be confusing to think they are also a sign of a first period. For this reason my tip would be to keep some pads with you when out and about so you are always prepared. And if you have been noticing discharge, consider wearing pant liners daily, these will be sure to capture those first signs of a period and give you enough time to get to the toilet to change to a pad.


10/20/2024 8:39:57 PM

Is my vagina expected to be clean all the time when I have a boyfriend Im worried about having to be fresh clean and showered all the time. I see in films when people have sex spontaneously but all I think about is if that was me I wouldnt be able to be completely fresh or my knickers wouldnt be fresh

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10/20/2024 7:02:18 PM

Hi vicki. two days ago i realised that there was light pink liquid in my underwear. It was like discharge but it was light pink. I put on a panty liner and when i changed it, it was brown. So thats what comes onto my pad. But when i go pee and i wipe, red blood comes out and im very confused about why it isnt on my pad. My mother said that its somehting called spotting when she saw my pad. But im confused about why when i wipe myself its like bright red and when i look at my pad its either brown or light pink. is spotting also bright red?

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10/20/2024 6:57:14 PM

I really like this boy, like a lot. Ive liked him for almost four years and this year i really want to talk to him. I dont know what to talk to him about, i have talked to him a few times and fllirted (badly) with him, but i dont think he really picked up on it. Can you give me some subtle ways to get his attention or talk to him please? Im dying from not knowing what to say :((. I dont really have a reason to talk to him and i feel kind of embarassed just walking up and talking because i dont know him very well...we also sit on oppositee sides of the room. My friends gave me some tips like messaging him and saying it was an accidnet but ive already tried that. They also said to drop my pencil in front of him or my books. I do know that we have some common interests and he genuinely seems like such a sweet, cute, adorable guy. I desperately want to talk to him, but i just cant find any excuses...Can you maybe give me some ways to talk to him..? Thanks :)

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10/20/2024 6:45:19 PM

So last year i developed a crush on this boy. hes so cute and nice and i love talking to him. I decided not to tell my friends about it because I was still kinda confused ab it. Anyways, when i went back to school after summer break me and my best friend were seperated from all of our other friends that we'd been in a class with before. I was really bummed out. I was secretley just a little happy cuz my boo was in my class again. Anyways, around two weeks ago my friend asked me who my crush was but she went first. She said the person who she liked and I started to freak out, because he was also my crush. I decided not to tell her but I was jealous and angry. They went out to the movies on a date yesterday and im extremely jealous.. she likes him a lot but i liked him first. I dont know if i should tell her or if she will be mad at me! Pls help!

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10/20/2024 4:13:55 PM

Hey Vicki! So whenever I shave my legs, its hard to tell in the shower whether I have removed all the hairs, and every time I get out of the shower after shaving my legs theres always these annoying little hairs that I missed! I always use body wash, lather it into bubbles and cover my legs with soap and then shave, multiple times going down. Ive always followed my moms instructions on how to shave, and she has always told me to never shave upward against the hairs. Can you simply give me step by step instructions on how to get a clean shave without any little hairs being left?

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