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ANSWERED questions


7/26/2024 5:44:23 PM

hi Vicki, is it normal to be super angry at your mum sometimes even with little things. and also what can I do to stop being stop angry and be kinder to my mum?

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Hi, we call this the battle between teens and parents and it's so common I even wrote a blog on the subject. Here it is.

The battle between teens and parents (

Tidying my bedroom (


7/26/2024 5:09:38 PM

Should the blood of my period be black on the first few days

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7/26/2024 4:38:34 PM

Hi Vicki I really want to get a menstrual disk rather than a cup. A cup sounds better because you can still masturbate durning your period and this is a game changer for me. I am just worried because I am 15 it wont fit me? Do you recommend a cup?

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7/26/2024 4:11:35 PM

Generally what would you say is the chance of someone noticing fairly faint scars? The difference is that they're mental health related. I already have body dysmorphia and low body image around summer(being convinced everyone is judging my figure etc.) often because of this I'm still hiding under jumpers and sweater tops in 20 degree heat x any advice

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7/26/2024 11:03:41 AM

when my family divides up the laundry is it awkward for my brother to be washing some of my stuff with my bras in it?

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7/25/2024 10:41:41 PM

i was a b cup at 12 but im afraid my boobs wont get bigger but my sisters are d cups but they went through puberty later so is there a change i will get boobs bigger than b cup

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7/25/2024 10:40:25 PM

can masterbating make you go through puberty earlier because i went through it around 2 years before my mom and sister and i dont know if it was because i was masterbating or no

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7/25/2024 10:23:18 PM

I got my period kindve light around the start of july it was just brown discharge kinda no blood for a few days then a week later i got it again with a bit of blood but mostly brown discharge but i got my period again today and i only finished my last period a few days ago and its more blood this time and i used to get quite heavy periods but theyve been lighter lately so im wondering is that normal and is there anything to worry about

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7/25/2024 12:18:46 PM

Hiya Vicki, I came to check if this was still running and it is! Omg! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for being there when I was younger to answer all the questions I didnt feel safe asking anyone else, from embarrassing parts of puberty, heavy periods, navigating friendships etc and shaping into the person I am today. I had a really rough time growing up during my teenage years, but you helped me so much. I started using this site when I was 12 and Im now 20 and have moved out! Keep doing what you do, you seriously make such a positive difference to so many girls and thank you so much for holding my hand for all these years Thank you thank you thank you!

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7/25/2024 9:21:02 AM

Hi Vicki I was wondering if there are any good places to get a good fitting bra size B thanks for reading this Sarah

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