10/3/2024 3:15:27 PM
I met a boy in a uni. We are kinda in a friend group and He admitted feelings for me but he just got out a really serious long term relationship . I like him as a person but Im not very physically attracted to him. I also dont want to be the girl right after the 4 year relationship of the only gf he ever like I think he should be single . Meet new people do one night stands etc etc.. I dont know do I like him in the way and Ive been so confused . And I dont want to ruin the friendship or the group by kinda saying no
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Be honest with him, let him know that you like him too, but for now want to stay as friends, believing that this will benefit both of you, until you are both 100% sure how you feel and if you want to proceed. For your part this will allow you time to work out if this attraction is based on the flattery his is offering you, or whether it is something more, and based on your comments, at the moment I worry you are engaged in this conversation with him, because he makes you feel good, and when this happens taking a step back to be friends would be advisable.