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Weight Gain In Teens

#askvicki , #weight

Are you someone who never seems to gain weight and find yourself teased by others for your childlike physique? Or maybe despite your best efforts you can no longer fit into your favourite pair of jeans? If this is you then read on……..

Am I normal?

What is normal…just look around you! It can be tempting to compare your body shape with friends or siblings and then start to feel unhappy about how you look. But we are all so very different and a healthy weight can vary from person to person, often depending on height, age, family genes and where they are in their journey through puberty.

How much weight can I expect to gain during puberty?

From the age of 10 – 14 it is not unusual for girls to gain up to 30lbs in weight. This sounds like a lot but remember that you will start to become taller and any increase in weight will be distributed around your body as you develop.

Why do I have rolls of fat around my tummy?

Some teens and pre-teens often see a change to their mid-section and for some this will be quite normal and followed by a giant increase in height. Remember too that many girls will notice a curvier look to their body as the hips widen and the tummy becomes rounder – rounder does not mean you are overweight.

Is being heavier a sign I am unfit?

No, not at all. Genetics can play a big part in how tall we are and what our overall shape will be. Therefore someone who is structurally larger than their slim friend but exercises more often could be fitter.

I don’t need to exercise I’m already thin!

Don’t assume that because you are naturally slim that you can sit on the sofa all day or watch others exercise while you sit a class out. Slim people who don’t exercise are just as likely to be unfit and experience poor health because of this.

Even though I am older than my friends I still look like a little girl?

Just like a period can arrive at different times for each of us, so can the arrival of puberty. So it’s very common for friends to differ in height, weight and shape as their journey through puberty will be unique for each of them.

Why if I am always hungry, am I losing weight?

During puberty the amount of calories your body needs increases, with many teenagers requiring up to 2,000 calories a day. So it is very common to feel hungrier and raid the fridge as soon as you get home from school, only to feel hungry half an hour later. So watch what you eat, and stock up on carbs and protein. Such as nuts, fruit, cereals and avoid sugary treats. Check out my blog entitled Eating Your Way To A Better You.

Finally, some girls worry so much about the way they look they are tempted to diet or do some very dangerous things to change it. But the truth is that food is important for our overall health, as is exercise. So don’t be tempted to try crash diets or read online stories related to losing or gaining weight.


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I’m 16 and I’m quite bigger than a lot of girls in my class, and so when I was younger always thought that meant I would always be unfit and I was so insecure about it - but now I’ve recently completed a huge hiking challenge!!!! I am so much stronger than I gave myself credit for and all bodies are brilliant and beautiful - love yourself guys no matter what xxxxx

to swifte from shark lover

awsome quote. i love taylor swift.


"I definitely have body issues but everybody does. When you come to the realisation that everybody does - even the people I consider flawless - then you can start to live with the way you are." - Taylor Swift.


I'm in year 6 and I'm one of the skinniest girls in my class no matter what I do i seem to still nor gain weight I barely have hips and barely any chest fat what can i do to gain weight.


can someone help me be skinny now please help


Hi! So I’m 12 and a girl in my year said I’m the heaviest it really hurt my feelings because I’m insecure about myself, It actually made me a have a panic attack in the middle of our history lesson (embarrassing). But I talked to my mum about it and learnt that it’s not a criticism and all bodies and beautiful, just remember all bodies are beautiful and if your putting on weight it could just be puberty! Like I couldn’t fit into my favourite jeans for a while then I had a massive growth spurt and now I’m taller than my mum and I can fit into my jeans again! (a little short in the legs because I grew but I can zip them up). I also found out that my cousin looked EXACTLY like me, and she is one of the prettiest people i know! (she’s 17 now) so just love yourself. You only have one body and it is yours so don’t let anyone change your mind. You are beautiful.


Sorry, my below comment should have been : In reply to Mayah_amaze. I think I submitted it wrong. Have a great day you amazingly beautiful and intelligent girls. From Violet x


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