Our Advice Blog

First Period Stories:
Tell Us Yours


We’d love to hear all about your first period stories to help other girls who have started or are just about to start their period. Tell us your story today in the comments section below.

Whether you are the first or the last one in your friendship group to start their period, there will be another girl who has been in the same situation as you. Share your period story today and provide others with an understanding of how you came to terms with your first period.

This is vicky’s story

I was the last of my friendship group to get my period. I was 14, woke-up and went to the loo one morning, only to find my first period had arrived. Luckily my nan left me some pads in my room and I had learned all I needed to know about periods from my friends. It did take me a while to get used to wearing a pad as they felt so bulky. I thought everyone would see it through my clothes, or if a boy pinched my bottom he would feel it. So I quickly moved on to tampons.


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Victoria <3

So basically, I self-prepared myself for my period bc my mum didn't really teach me anything! So I watched stuff like 'and these shows saved my life and helped me so much. I had one PSHE lesson in year 4 ( 3rd grade) where I learnt a bit about this but they never really went into depth about it . My mum gave me a small period bag to keep in my bag but never told me what it was for or what to do with it . But thankfully I already knew. And then the day came where I got my first period! I woke up with some really crazy cramps and I had pretty much all the symptoms of a period and my mum had gone to work that morning ! I went to the bathroom to do my business and I got up and saw blood . Loads of it . I ofc tried to convince myself I had cut myself but there was no mistaking it! I was getting ready for school at the time and I was late! I was just going to get on the bus with my brothers when I decided , no . I’m in way too much pain and I can’t do this . I ran home and started crying. I called my mom and she asked ‘is it your period?’ I told her yes and about my cramps. She said ‘put a pad on and have some painkillers’ but I honestly couldn’t . So I didn’t . I stayed home . I had painkillers but they made me feel sick! I vomited it and lost my appetite. I stayed home from school which on a normal day I wouldn’t mind but that day , I had a science test and I had already missed a day that week because of a really bad cold and headache. So ye that’s it really . That’s my first period story!


I was 11 and half and I was cramps the night before but I had a school concert so I thought it was just nerves.Anywag fast forward to the morning I was getting dressed and I thought I was imagining it so I pulled my undies back up then back down and again I remember I was shaking so much I called my mum from downstairs and I said I think I'm dying even though I knew what a period was.


So, although I have technically had my first period, no one knows, and if anyone asks I just say no. So I was at school, and needed the toilet. I didn’t want to ask in one class as some people had got into trouble as so many had gone. I felt like I had slightly wet myself - unusual for me. I went to the loo with one of my friends at lunch, about an hour after. I sat down, pulled down my pants and there was blood. My heart started pounding, and when I wiped there was blood. I’m not scared of it but something about that was quite scary. I spent the whole lunch trying to psych myself up to ask a friend for a pad but didn’t get round to it. In the last lesson of the day I went to the toilet as it takes me about an hour to get home and there didn’t seem to be any new blood that had come out. So I decided that if anymore came out after I had got home and changed, I would tell my mum. No more did. My first period lasted less than a day. This has repeated once. I have only had 2 periods so far and am the same age as my mum. I now carry money in my bag incase I do get it and need a pad so I can get one from the vending machine in the bathroom instead of having to ask my friends - you shouldn’t be embarrassed, I’m just quite a private person. Hope you all have a great day , luv angel


I got mine last month, in the middle of math class. I was going to the bathroom when I wiped I saw something brown. I was confused for a second then I realised it was my period. It was like 10 minutes until the end of class, so I didn’t bother getting one immediately. Afterwards I bolted to the nurses office. Luckily was quite light so no leaking (phew)

Sira’s Story

I was 12 when I got my period. I was at a party on the night of November 5. I was climbing some monkey bar thingy and decided to go to the campfire they had going on so that I could warm up a bit. As I was walking, I felt something just DROP out of my body. I thought I had peed or just had some discharge. (I didn’t know much about discharge back them and didn’t think much about it) I ignored it and continued going to the campfire. I sat down beside my mom and warmed up for a bit before telling her I needed to go to the loo because my underwear felt uncomfortably wet. I went with my mom and looked and saw a quarter sized bit of brownish red blood. She told me I probably got my period. I was kinda mad bc I didn’t want it 😂. Luckily I had some pads in my purse so I just slipped one in. It was kinda small and felt like I would bleed through it. Then I went back to the campfire and got a little emotional and shed a few tears 🥲. I also broke the zipper of my NEW PANTS. When we got home my mom gave me a box of GIANT pads. (I mean HUGE) They we’re size 4 and 5 and I had to use them for daytime 🥲. I used a fat size 5 and went to bed. My period was 5 days long and slightly medium to heavy flow. I spent like half an hour researching about periods that night. Sooooo. Moral of the story: always have some pads/tampons WHEREVER YOU GO!!

Book lover

I still haven't got my period yet and sometimes my friends tease me a bit about it because they've got theirs. I'm still waiting 🫤


Basically school had given all the girls a first period kit from lil-ets and I was dumb enough to leave mine at home! I wheat to school and asked to use the restroom as I felt..wet down there and had cramps. Even though I knew what it was I still completely began panicking but I went back in and asked my teacher fir a pad and it turned out ok! Still scary though.


If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.


If Vicki can help you, she'll post an answer in the ‘Your questions answered’ page, so don't forget to keep checking it
(and the best thing is nobody will ever know it was you that asked!)